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Smart Citizen - Sensores ciudadanos

Finished 20 / 09 / 2012
$ 292,439
$ 190,124
$ 415,026
159 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 106

    Web recognition

    Your name will appear on the public list of acknowledgments of the Smart Citizen web

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Smart sticker y a visit to FabLab

    Smart Citizen siicker for your computer or sensor + Visit to FabLab where you can get to know our instalationes and our work in the field of personal fabrication + Web Recognition

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 319

    Online support to configure your sensors

    If you already have similar openhardware sensors, we can assist by mail to configure their access to the platform + Smart Citizen sticker for your computer or sensor + A visit to FabLab + Web Recognition

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    “QR” T-shirt and a visit to FabLab

    Exclusive Smart Citizen T-shirt, with which you can activate the web access network we are creating + A visit to FabLab where you can get to know our instalationes and our work in the field of personal fabrication + Web Recognition

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Smart Citizen basic Kit

    Simple board with 3 sensors: humidity, light and temperature + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,489

    Full Smart Citizen Kit

    Simple board with 5 sensors: humidity, light, temperature air and noise quality + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 78 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,021

    Smart Citizen Kit 'plug & play'

    Simple board with its box, the 5 sensors configured with your WiFi data (to start work just turn it on) + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,169

    Smart Citizen Kit y Workshop

    Board kit and full sensors + A position at Smart Citizen workshop, to learn how to take advantage of the device + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,509

    3 Smart Citizen Kits y 3 Workshop Positions

    Designed for small organizations, groups and collectives: 3 board kits and full sensors + 3 positions at the Smart Citizen Workshops + 5 T-shirts + Web Recognition

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 13,826

    5 Smart Citizen Kits y 5 Workshop Positions

    Designed for educators and schools or civic centers: 5 board kits and full sensors + 5 positions at the Smart Citizen Workshops + 5 T-dhirts + Web Recognition

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53,179

    10 Smart Citizen Kits y 10 Positions Workshop

    For businesses, universities and research groups: 10 full kits of board and sensors + A dedicated and design workshop for 10 people + 10 T-shirts + Web Recognition

    > 00 Co-financiers

Smart Citizen Kit Alpha!

08 | 10 | 2012

Hola a todos de nuevo. Ya manos a la obra os pasamos una imagen del Smart Citizen Kit en su version alpha. Todo esta testeado en esta versión de la placa basa, con algunos ajustes por hacer, y en un par de semanas agregaremos la placa de medición, las cuales incluirán los sensores de calidad de aire, temperatura, humedad, luz, sonido, ademas de poder monitorear el estado de la bateria, la radiación solar del panel, o la cantidad de accesos wifi a vuestro alrededor.

Estamos haciendo presupuestos de producción de placas, así que cualquier recomendación en este sentido será bienvenida.

Por otro lado, la plataforma tambien esta en marcha, en su versión alpha también. La semana pasada tuvimos reuniones con el equipo de Cosm, y todo esta en sincronía.

Disculpad el silencio, estamos en este proyecto y muchos mas; estamos contentos con los resultados hasta ahora, espero que vosotros tambien, seguiremos trabajando para poder enviar estos kits ASAP!.


Smart Citizen Team


Hace 1 decade
Felicidades, ya tengo ganas.

El tema acceso guifi.net lo teneis resuelto? Dentro de poco me compro una rb grande... se podrá conectar directamente? Seria ideal!!!

Venga, ánimos!
Hace 1 decade

- Cuando vais a publicar los esquemas y listas de materiales de las placas ?
- La placa de sensores sera indipendiente?
- Creeis que podria ser compatible con otro tipo de placas como la raspberry.

Un saludo

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