Contributing £ 17
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
> 11 Co-financiers
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Goteo topluluğuyla etkileşim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekmektedir.
Teaching life, saving lives
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how their support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support. + Recognition as a major donor on the hospital’s digital donor wall.
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
Llevamos unos días intensos con todo lo que ocurre en el mundo pero ahora que estamos a mitad de la campaña necesitamos un último empujón para llegar a conseguir el objetivo mínimo que nos habíamos propuesto. Sólo restan 2500€. Si lo conseguimos podremos enviar vuestras aportaciones a los campos de refugiados del Líbano y, así, poder salvar vidas desde el hospital Al Nida'a. Os animamos a seguir la campaña en las redes sociales (@teachlife_pal) y a participar en los actos que estamos organizando. La pasada semana estuvimos en Girona donde Pallasos en rebeldía ofreció una gala de circo y sus beneficios se han ingresado en la campaña. Este sábado estaremos en Manlleu, recogiendo fondos gracias a la organización de una charla sobre Palestina. Os animamos a organizar actos o contribuir a que familia y amigos puedan realizar sus aportaciones para conseguir el reto marcado.
A través de las redes sociales estamos explicando la campaña que también está apoyada por artículos que estas semanas van apareciendo en los medios. Os compartimos el que hemos publicado en Catarsi Magazín:
¡Gracias por vuestra colaboración!
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A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
> 11 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution.
> 05 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how their support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support.
> 09 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support. + Recognition as a major donor on the hospital’s digital donor wall.
> 04 Co-financiers
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
> 01 Co-financiers
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
> 04 Co-financiers