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Necesitamos tu ayuda ¡Viseras sanitarias contra el Covid19!

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Finished 25 / 05 / 2020
£ 2,514
£ 875
£ 3,376
71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    100 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 30 €/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 80 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 100 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    200 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 60€/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 200 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 200 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 100

    400 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 120€/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 400 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 400 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 05 Co-financiers

About this project

Help us to fabricate sanitary visors against Covid19

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Material for the sanitary visors manufacture and assembly
3D filament, elastic bands, acetate sheets, staplers, staples ...
£ 709
Material para fabricación y montaje de viseras
Filamento 3D, gomas elásticas, láminas de acetato, grapadoras, grapas...
£ 2,084
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Fuel and shipments
Fuel for traveling around Madrid (Spain) and shipments to send them to others health centers around all Spain.
£ 167
Combustible para realizar los desplazamientos en la comunidad y los envíos por correo express a otros centros sanitarios a nivel nacional.
£ 417
Total £ 875 £ 3,376

General information

Hello, we are Artenea 3D!

We are a small 7 member company that has been offering 3D printing services in Madrid (Spain) for more than 2 years.
Artenea 3D offers a 3D printing service not only for individuals and companies, we also give out 3D printing classes with a high burden of environmental awareness in Madrid, in order to introduce even the younger to the 3D printing world.

We took a step forward into the COVID-19 situation...

When the Covid19 crisis started, we did not hesitate to get involved and contribute. From the beginning we started printing 3D sanitary visors in our homes with our own 3D printers.

We emphasized not only in the manufacturing, also the logistics so that the visors arrived as soon as possible at the centers that needed them.
Every day, more and more calls came from centers asking us for visors, so we decided to increase production by acquiring more 3D printers, since ours showed considerable wear and tear.

Thanks to your donations of filament we have been able to reach numbers that we are so proud to show, however, we have been manufacturing for days, buying material, exposing ourselves, taking the visors with our cars to all Hospitals, Health Centers, Supermarkets, Pharmacies ... and right now we are in a critical moment for the company.

We need your help.

Help us continue. In order to keep helping, to keep teaching people what 3D printing is for, to keep going to schools so that children learn how to print... Because now we have really seen that 3D printing can be more important than ever.

Collaborate and help us stay alive, more alive than ever.
Support us for what we are doing today, what we did yesterday, and what we will do tomorrow.
Help an SME.

Our numbers

Destinations Quantities
Jimenez Díaz Foundation 250
Manantial Foundation 800
Gregorio Marañón 200
San Carlos Hospital 70
Virgen del Mar Hospital 30
Madrid, Neighborhood Pharmacies 300
H. Santa Catalina 200
Pigeon 200
Getafe Hospital 40
H. Majadahonda 100
H. Ramón y Cajal 24
H. The Light 30
H. La Paz 180
H. October 12 350
H. Alcorcón 200
Las Rozas Health Center 40
Amavir Arganzuela Health Center 30
Los Nogales Reina Victoria Residence 20
Pharmacy and Hospital Murcia 100
Don Juan Valencia Center, León 50
John Paul II Residence 50
H. San Francisco de Asís 30
Toledo 200
H. de Puertollano 100
Fundación Nuestra Señora del Camino 50
Raquel Aguado Pharmacy 5
Ruber Clinics 49 300
Vithas Our Lady of America 100
Alicia Residence, León 10
Arroyo de Valdearcos Residence, León 10
Home help service 50
Ciudad Real 500
Ayto Alcorcón 500
Pablo Hoftmann Foundation 1000
Úbeda (Jaén) 1200
Health Center La Morenica 1000
Fuenlabrada Police 400
Quirón Pozuelo 100

We also sent our sanitary visor 3D model to Argentina and Senegal, so they can start printing them too.

If you are a nurse and your center needs material, you can contact us and we will send you the visors as soon as possible.
Please, write us at info@artenea3d.com
Our numbers are completely transparent. If you need any document that proves that we have attended the destinations mentioned above in the table, we will gladly provide it to you.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our entire team is turning to printing and assembling sanitary visors. Our distribution network is very good since we centralize 3D printing and assembly of sanitary visors, in this way, distribution to hospitals and health centers is faster and more efficient, also minimizing exposure to the virus we are working on and from third parties. We can proudly say that we have so far carried more than 4,500 visors distributed in more than 36 health centers and establishments (pharmacies, residences, supermarkets, etc.)

Our main objective is to continue manufacturing and distributing the visors, but also to survive this crisis. We are putting all our resources to help, but we need to stay afloat, stay alive when this is over. For this reason, we ask for help, the help that we are giving without any expense or work. Because now more than ever, 3D printing saves lives.

Help an SME.

Why this is important

At Artenea 3D, we want to help as much as possible in the fight against the Covid19, for that reason we work tirelessly and offering our own resources, both economic and material (3Dprinters) so that our nursers have everything they need.
Day after day we are working for many hours, even weekends with the wear and tear of our staff and our printers.

This project is aimed at all those people who want to help us continue manufacturing 3D visors to continue distributing to health centers and establishments (pharmacies, residences, supermarkets, etc.)

Team and experience

We have been active as a company in Madrid (Spain) since 2 years, but our team has been familiar with 3D printing for years.
Apart from offering a printing service to companies and individuals, we are present in schools through courses and after-school 3D printing workshops with high environmental awareness.

We have also developed U-Lab 3D, a new 3D printer associated with a platform with hundreds of products adapted to the smallest of the house, so that they can print themselves, developing their creativity and enhancing their problem solving.

Our team is made up of architects, engineers, marketinians and graphic designers. All highly qualified in 3D printing and printer assembly.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development