¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 07 / 11 / 2014
€ 22.109
€ 18.000
€ 43.000
131 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10


    Mundubat newsletters with information about Palestine and Food Sovereignty. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25


    PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall .

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40


    Home delivery of a box of basic seeds and vegetables typical of Palestine. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50


    Poster delivery at home. PDF Book: "Paestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: In this section we will be showing the image of the poster as soon as posible.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 70


    Palestinian Scarf with embroidered Union of Agriculture Workers Committes (UAWC) and La Via Campesina logos . PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100


    Home delivery of an ilustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of Palestinan women and girls. Collaborations: a well known illustrator (this will be informed as soon as possible), a bertsolari and a Palestinian singer. Special limited edition print of this campaign. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250


    An olive tree will be planted in Palestine and a photo to witness its "sponsorship" will be forwarded. The donor person will fill out a form to collect basic data for the sponsorship and will receive a digital certificate. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: The form of the olive sponsorship will be indicated in this section in a few days.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300


    "Talk at home" for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and the UAWC Palestinians. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 600


    Collective 'Sponsorship' of an olive. "Home talk' for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and palestinians of the UAWC. "We, the Palestinians," illustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of palestinian women and girls. 'Seeds FreePalestine'. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project


Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
C1 - Siembra de 20 parcelas y Rehabilitación de 20 invernaderos (mano de obra y trabajo aportes de familias campesinas y UAWC)
Adecuación terrenos bombardeos (alquiler tractor) Semillas (pepino, tomate, calabacín, pimiento, melón) Plántulas (cítricos) Fertilizantes Cobertura plástica Red antiinsectos Instalación madera Herramientas de trabajo
€ 18.000
C2 - Siembra de 30 parcelas y Rehabilitación de 30 invernaderos (mano de obra y trabajo aportes de familias campesinas y UAWC)
Adecuación terrenos bombardeos (alquiler tractor) ; Semillas (pepino, tomate, calabacín, pimiento, melón) ; Plántulas (cítricos) ; Fertilizantes ; Cobertura plástica ; Red antiinsectos ; Instalación madera ; Herramientas de trabajo
€ 25.000
Total € 18.000 € 43.000

General information


Funds for the common works of the Union of Agriculture Work Committees (UAWC): uawc-pal.org/mainen.aspx:

Mundubat supports UAWC from the ground, who is fighting day by day for the food sovereignity and access to land, water, healthy food production with enough quantities for the subsistence of the Palestinian people.

Right now they are too locked attending and burying their relatives and other people killed and giving coverage to refugee and wounds. A first transfer would go for medicines and emergency aid and a second time to the work of organization and peasant resistance.

Many peasant families throughout the Gaza Strip have lost homes, have taken refuge with relatives, shelters distributed by the Gaza authorities and the UN system.

The attacks on the Gazan population have meant that rural areas in the Gaza Strip have suffered losses of fruit (25%), orchards (30%) and other crops and plots of these areas, which cover 80% of local needs in Gaza [01]. Fishing activities have been severely affected by the constant attacks and destruction of fishing fleet and equipment.

The fact of not supporting farm families in Gaza in a short term can produce a crisis of food insecurity, which was already suffering before Gazan population due to the blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza since 2006.

[01] Note: the war situation itself causes that damage assessment is still provisional. We will keep you informed about it.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

To establish a flow of active solidarity with peasant communities in Palestine, particularly in Gaza. Help in rebuilding after the attacks and farming and peasant resistance work.

The project will work on the rehabilitation of land damaged by the Israeli army in the Gaza area, rehabilitating and cultivating dunums [02] with vines, citrus, vegetable plots and providing irrigation, benefiting numerous peasant families.

In addition, direct employment opportunities for workers will be created in the land to be rehabilitated with the installation of irrigation systems and plant growing.

The structure of solidarity work involves UAWC technical team coordinator (agronomists) and visit to the local peasant committees who have autonomy to decide what land and what peasant households should receive aid and in what sense.

Mundubat will be accompanying these processes allocating a worker (qualified and politically engaged) in the area that remains and works from the Gaza beyond emergencies. Our link follows up and produces informative and technical reports and gathers information for all types of political, economical and other supporting activities that can be activated from Euskalerria, the Spanish State and Europe political, economic, support operations…

Mundubat works with UAWC throughout Palestine in permanent dialogue and coordination with other agents in the area:

  • UPWC- Union of Palestinian Women Committees - www.upwc.org.ps/
  • UHWC- Union of Health Work Committees - www.gaza-health.com/en
  • PCHR- Palestinian Center of Human Rights - www.pchrgaza.org/portal/en/

En el norte Mundubat toma parte activa de la RESCOP www.nodo50.org/causapalestina/ y es esta plataforma la que aglutina las demandas del Pueblo Palestino y recibe información directa desde Mundubat y nuestra labor observadora en la zona.

In northern Mundubat takes active part of the RESCOP www.nodo50.org/causapalestina/ and this platform brings together the demands of the Palestinian people and receive direct feedback from our observer work in the area.

[02] Note: Measure area of agricultural labor used in Palestine which corresponds to about 1000 m2

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Why this is important

Mundubat collaborates with the peasant movement in Palestine since 2009 accompanying its strategy of food sovereignty and access to resources that the occupation of its territory denies. Thus, actions have been developed to promote family production, local markets, chickens and honey cooperatives, vegetables and also in coordination with other peasant resistance movements at regional and international levels. It has also supported the entry of UAWC (greater peasant movement in Palestine) in La Via Campesina International with peasants whose movements have been able to establish strong bonds of commitment (as the MST in Brazil that develops brigades to support farm families every two years).

The denial of the sovereignty of the Palestinian people (of ancient productive customs) to its territory has resulted in a structural dependence on Israeli goods because Israel controls the borders, retains goods, implements the Separation Wall on about 1,000 miles of land Palestinian, dividing families, land and denying access to water (wells and sea), among others.

Elikaherria, joint effort between Mundubat and EHNE, has become a communicative space binding peasant struggles, developing an information and dissemination platform of food sovereignty both locally and internationally, gaining prominence these days for Palestine.

Thus, the objectives of the campaign focus on providing farm families, which are organized in UAWC peasant movement, access to productive resources, that can ensure minimum food security and thus establish the basis for a future food sovereignty.

A further level of advocacy seeks to report on the situation of occupation in Palestinian farmers and fishing families and articulating their demands with other peasant movements that are part of La Via Campesina International.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

URGENT JOBS !! (Minimum Target)

  • Of course to bury those killed and make the deserved mourning.
  • Give shelter to the many displaced families who no longer have homes.
  • They have to clear out neighborhoods, villages, devastated schools, land and farms destroyed.
  • Return to start orchards and farms to feed themselves is indispensable. The damn blockade is not allowing entering the necessary food needed, as the own production is not restored.
  • Prevent and stock up for wintertime.
  • Drinkable and distribute water for irrigation.


Alleviate the loss of crops and fertile and productive land. This is to encourage, supporting and witnessing the work of rebuilding UAWC agricultural land, farms, the fishing fleet ...


Team and experience

Ehne Bizkaia and Mundubat(Elikaherria.eus promoters) maintain an active flow with Palestinian solidarity, becoming in a presence in the area by Mundubat and coordination with UAWC and La Via Campesina. Active work is developed with networks of solidarity with Palestine as RESCOP or BDS.
Our partner Enric (Mundubat) and UAWC colleagues will report from Palestine the progress of the project. At all times the multidisciplinary team of workers and volunteers of Mundubat support these efforts in terms of outreach and fundraising.


Palestina tiene nombre de Mujer- Mundubat
Derechos Humanos en Países en Conflicto (Palestine, Sahara ...) - Mundubat
Encuentro de campesinos/as, trabajadores/as rurales y pescadores/as. Construyendo La Vía Campesina en Palestina organized jointly Mundubat, MST and UAWC
Call from Palestinian farmers "UAWC we save our families, join the fight for freedom!" - elikaherria.eu/llamada-desde-los-campesinos-de-palestina-uawc-salvemos-a-nuestras-familias-unanse-a-la-lucha-por-la-libertad
Interview with Manu Pineda, UNAKIDUM "The Palestinian people are not asking for a ceasefire but the end of the blockade on Gaza" (another of the agencies with which coordination is supported)

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Social commitment