Construir en col·lectiu

Finished 15 / 01 / 2016
€ 8.426
€ 4.750
€ 8.250
301 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Thanks in our website and the book

    We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10


    We will send the book in PDF after its published

    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    1 exemplar del llibre en paper

    1 printed book

    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 191 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Book + DVD

    1 printed book

    • 1 DVD of the documentary "Like an invisible giant" (English subtitles)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    Llibre + llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva"

    1 printed book

    • 1 book "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva" (only in Catalan)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Llibre + Llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló" + DVD del documental

    1 printed book

    • 1 DVD of the documentary "Like an invisible giant" (English subtitles)
    • 1 book "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva" (only in Catalan)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 85

    5 printed books

    5 printed books

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Lecture about participation (online)

    We will give you a talk about participation through videocall (1 hour)

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 170

    10 exemplars del llibre

    10 printed books

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Conferència sobre participació o presentació del llibre

    We will give you a talk about participation (outside Catalonia travel expenses are not included)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Guided visit and drink

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 15 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Guided visit and drink

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Visita guiada i vermut

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 00 Co-financiers

301 Co-financiers

11 collaborators

Show donors


€ 20


€ 20

Sergio Lago

€ 20


€ 20


€ 20
€ 20
€ 20


€ 50


€ 20
€ 30
€ 20
€ 20
€ 20


€ 20
€ 20


Hace 9 years
Traducción al inglés:
8 years ago
Si necessiteu gent jo també puc col·laborar fent traduccions i/o correccions en anglès
8 years ago
Hola, me gustaría mucho participar en la traducción y revisión si todavia necesitais ayuda. Acabo de volver al reino unido despues de haber trabajado como traductor con una ONG española durante un corto tiempo. Escribo un blog sobre este mismo tema (la participación ciudadania y urbanismo) osea por eso tengo ganas de participar de cualquier manera!
8 years ago
Hola! M'encantaria poder col.laborar en la traducció en anglès si encara necesiteu ajuda :)
Hace 9 years
Corrección del inglés:
8 years ago
Com per la traducció, també podeu comptar amb mi per la correcció! salut
Hace 9 years
Corrección del catalán:
8 years ago
Puc ajudar a corregir la versió en català.
Hace 9 years
Corrección del castellano:
8 years ago
Si todavía necesitáis gente para la corrección del castellano puedo echar una mano. Me parece un proyecto muy interesante :)
Hace 9 years
compteu amb mi en el que calgui
marc aureli
Hace 9 years
Em sembla un projecte molt interessant. Si necessiteu un cop de mà podeu comptar amb mi. Espero poder ser d'ajuda.
Irene Raya
Hace 8 years
És un bon projecte. Anirà bé.

Mercè Granados
Hace 8 years
Endavant La Col i les noves idees. El futur és vostre.
Hace 8 years
Hola! sóc filòloga anglesa, si necessiteu qualsevol cosa m'agradaria ajudar, que m'agrada molt el vostre projecte!

una abraçada, Mar.