Contributing £ 7
Nuclear strategy
Many thanks for helping us: you will appear on the list of thanks in our site and network. Besides, once the book is done, you will receive it in pdf in your email!!
> 04 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Destrucción Mutua Asegurada
Many thanks for helping us: you will appear on the list of thanks in our site and network. Besides, once the book is done, you will receive it in pdf in your email!!
You are amazing! With your contribution you will have a physical copy of the book and the invitation for your presentation party in Bilbao!! You will also be part of the thanks list in our book and on the net, and you will get the pdf in your email.
You sure are worth it! With your contribution you'll get the physical book, plus a badge and a printed totebag. Whatismore we will give you all this in our presentation party in Bilbao!! Surely you will be on the thanks list and get the pdf.
I was give two... With your contribution you'll have 2 books, the merchan pack (badge+totebag), and an exclusive poster of the book. And...that for sure, you'll be on the thanks list, get the pdf, and we'll wait for you at the presentation party in Bilbao!!
You are the chosen!! You will not only get all the things below but receive one of the exclusive jewels handmade by Eva for this project. That is: pdf book, thanks in the book, site and networks, the invitation for the presentation party, 2 physical books, the packets with badge, totebag, poster, and the unique jewel for you. Thanks a lot!!
With this contribution your institution or initiative will be listed as an associated producer, with the logo inside the book, and appear in the thanks list in site, networks, and other related events. Furthermore it includes 5 physical copies and a presentation talk with the writer wherever you want.
Book that compiles the texts, sketches and work diagrams of Eva Guerrero 4 years of investigation in the concept of "destruction".
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Minimum | Optimum |
Manufacturing of 300 copies of the book
This is a rough budget of manufacturing (printing and binding) 300 copies of the book once it's finished. It will take place in a factory in Basauri.
£ 1,337 | |
Promotion and Public
That's the minimum we have calculated to pay for some posters, sticking them and some merchandising and digital ads to be able to release the book as it deserves.
£ 167 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
Graphic Design and Layout
This is the part we can not afford with our own means of the work that Happy Ending will do in the graphic design and layout of the book.
£ 251 | |
Translation into Basque
We estimate a minimum to be able to translate the book into Basque and have such translation correctly revised.
£ 418 | |
Design of the
If we could, we would ask Happy Ending to design as well this project associated merchandising, so as to have each object related to this book... perfect!!
£ 167 | |
Total | £ 1,754 | £ 2,339 |
"Destrucción Mutua Asegurada" is a book by Eva Guerrero, that compiles the texts, work diagrams and other unpublished material from the 4 years of stage investigation around "destruction". During this years the artist has been working in the "creative process of destruction", generating 4 performing works.
The initial concept arouses from the nuclear strategy with the same name, "mutual assured destruction", been applied in this case to the interpersonal relationships. With a careful design and poetical content, this book approaches not only the texts written by Eva Guerrero during this working time, but also everything that is behind the creation of a contemporary dance piece: working diagrams, suggestions, ramblings, smudges, etc.
The book does not require a previous knowledge of the pieces themselves, on the contrary, their reading is self-reliant. It hopes to seduce an unfamiliar reader with dance. It will contain approximately 120 pages of "destrucción asegurada", designed by Happy Ending and distributed by Belleza Infinita.
This projects needs your support and contribution to be carried out.
Many thanks in advance.
"I wouldn't have DONE WITH YOU if you haven't let me". "There's too much ECHO now, and the distances are longer and longer, and every time I FORGET MORE SCENTS and the soil is cracking and everything is drying out; and inside, all is broken though you can't see it."
The book is a selection made by Eva Guerrero and Ángela Alonso & Elena Perea of Happy Ending of the texts written by Eva around the concept of "destruction". Preliminary assumptions, authomatic writing, baseline states, and texts said on stage. All this material along with some outline of how to run and choreograph a scene are part of this book.
Happy Ending has contributed with their outside view, plus a visual focus, fresh and close.
The book goes across 4 years of creation, but also of making mistakes, of destruction itself, of correction of whatever was already done, of sidetracking, and finding yourself again. The "creative process: destruction" has passed over many things, but it has also left some texts and a material worth sharing, revisiting and publishing now.
In this current digital era, a book is something more than a words vehicle. After having created dance pieces and having worked with the intangible, having the opportunity to do a dance object is almost a dream. If people like you, who appreciate design, poetry, words, creation and culture help us to give it a little push to this project, dance will have a new way to get to new people.
Yet you are usual dance audience, artist, or you have nothing to do with this world, you may like this book, it can touch you or make you reflect.
Will you give it a chance?
This campaign enables us to bring this adventure to a successful conclusion.
If we get to reach everyone, seduce and convince them, we will be able to manufacture 300 copies of this book, with the design and touch it deserves, and through promotion and love make it reach the bookshops and others.
Thsi campaign will make this and much more, as once the book is done, the project will go on with presentations, talks and other activites, apart from remaining an open material for everybody at its site.
EVA GUERRERO studied at BAI (Barakaldo) and got a BA in Contemporary Performing Practises of Leeds Metropolitan University. She went on studying different courses of contemporary dance abroad and in the country. Since 2005 she has created more than a docen pieces of contemporary dance and theatre and has directed several theatre groups, both professional and amateur, as well as giving classes.
In 2012 she founded DOOS Colectivo to allow access to her own creations, advice and collaborate to/with other artists.
Though during her creative years she has written many theatre plays and own texts, this will be her first published book.
JEMIMA CANO is a producer and cultural manager since 2006, with a degree in cultural production of EMAV (Barcelona). After having managed her own production company in Catalunya, she arrives to Euskadi and sets up DOOS along with Eva. They together not only produce and distribute Eva's works, but also collaborates nowadays in the management of Baratza Aretoa (Gasteiz) and other artistic projects in the city of Bilbao.
Nuclear strategy
Many thanks for helping us: you will appear on the list of thanks in our site and network. Besides, once the book is done, you will receive it in pdf in your email!!
> 04 Co-financiers
We are intense
You are amazing! With your contribution you will have a physical copy of the book and the invitation for your presentation party in Bilbao!! You will also be part of the thanks list in our book and on the net, and you will get the pdf in your email.
> 33 Co-financiers
Mutual Destruction
You sure are worth it! With your contribution you'll get the physical book, plus a badge and a printed totebag. Whatismore we will give you all this in our presentation party in Bilbao!! Surely you will be on the thanks list and get the pdf.
> 13 Co-financiers
Tu sombra
I was give two... With your contribution you'll have 2 books, the merchan pack (badge+totebag), and an exclusive poster of the book. And...that for sure, you'll be on the thanks list, get the pdf, and we'll wait for you at the presentation party in Bilbao!!
> 05 Co-financiers
After all
You are the chosen!! You will not only get all the things below but receive one of the exclusive jewels handmade by Eva for this project. That is: pdf book, thanks in the book, site and networks, the invitation for the presentation party, 2 physical books, the packets with badge, totebag, poster, and the unique jewel for you. Thanks a lot!!
> 00 Co-financiers
Guerra fría
With this contribution your institution or initiative will be listed as an associated producer, with the logo inside the book, and appear in the thanks list in site, networks, and other related events. Furthermore it includes 5 physical copies and a presentation talk with the writer wherever you want.
> 00 Co-financiers
If you want to collaborate and have somre free time, we would love to have someone translating the texts that will be on the site into English, French
Within our communication campaign, we want to print 300 stickers with a QR code and glue all Bilbao and surroundings. If you have time, we want helpin
Truth is you know better than us what do you have to offer, so don't be shy, we are opened to any kind of proposals.