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Destrucción Mutua Asegurada

Finished 15 / 03 / 2015
€ 2.358
€ 2.100
€ 2.800
57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 8

    Nuclear strategy

    Many thanks for helping us: you will appear on the list of thanks in our site and network. Besides, once the book is done, you will receive it in pdf in your email!!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    We are intense

    You are amazing! With your contribution you will have a physical copy of the book and the invitation for your presentation party in Bilbao!! You will also be part of the thanks list in our book and on the net, and you will get the pdf in your email.

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    Mutual Destruction

    You sure are worth it! With your contribution you'll get the physical book, plus a badge and a printed totebag. Whatismore we will give you all this in our presentation party in Bilbao!! Surely you will be on the thanks list and get the pdf.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 70

    Tu sombra

    I was give two... With your contribution you'll have 2 books, the merchan pack (badge+totebag), and an exclusive poster of the book. And...that for sure, you'll be on the thanks list, get the pdf, and we'll wait for you at the presentation party in Bilbao!!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 120

    After all

    You are the chosen!! You will not only get all the things below but receive one of the exclusive jewels handmade by Eva for this project. That is: pdf book, thanks in the book, site and networks, the invitation for the presentation party, 2 physical books, the packets with badge, totebag, poster, and the unique jewel for you. Thanks a lot!!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Guerra fría

    With this contribution your institution or initiative will be listed as an associated producer, with the logo inside the book, and appear in the thanks list in site, networks, and other related events. Furthermore it includes 5 physical copies and a presentation talk with the writer wherever you want.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Tras 40 días...

15 | 03 | 2015
Tras 40 días...

Hoy acaban de pasar 40 días desde que iniciamos este proyecto, y a lo largo de todo este tiempo, habéis ido sumándoos y dándonos vuestro apoyo y vuestro dinero para poder alcanzar el mínimo y poder llevar a cabo la publicación del libro "Destrucción Mutua Asegurada".

Lo primero gracias! Muchas gracias de verdad! Hace un montón de ilusión y emociona ver como día tras días erais más. En momentos así te das cuenta de la importancia de la confianza y le necesidad de apoyo! Re-descubres a personas!

Os podemos adelantar que ya estamols junto con las chicas de Happyending ultimando detalles, y el lunes se va todo para fábrica, y en un mes tendremos 300 copias.

El 16 de Abril esperamos veros en Bilboarte para esa presentación del libro, celebrarlo entre tod@s, agradeceros en persona a tod@s l@s que no os hayamos visto antes por las calles o los bares ;) y con la excusa tomarnos algo e incluso emborracharnos jeje

Tras 40 días, aún puedo decir más alto, SOIS GRANDES!!! Y espero que el libro esté a la altura!!

Un abrazo fuerte,

Eva Guerrero


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