Contributing € 12
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude
> 19 Co-financiers
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Unas gotas para el Roure/ Unes gotes per El Roure/ Some drops for El Roure
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
Aquest mes de maig hem gaudit de la presència de la Roser Capdevila (creadora de “Les tres bessones”) a El Roure.
Una dona encantadora, vinculada des de ben jove amb Sant Joan de Mediona.
Va venir un matí a compartir una estona de xerrada amb els més grans, a L’Heura. Ens va explicar com, al llarg de la seva vida, ha treballat sola i en equip. Arreu del món, hi ha professionals que col·laboren amb ella perquè les aventures del seus personatges arribin als nens i nenes de tants països del planeta... Els joves van quedar meravellats de la simpatia i l’energia d’aquesta dona meravellosament emprenedora i entusiasta de la vida. I del seu art! La Roser ha recolzat la campanya per a la potabilització de l’aigua de l’escola, amb la donació d’un esplèndid dibuix que representa els nois i noies del nostre projecte educatiu, El Roure.
Moltes gràcies, Roser!
Este mes de mayo pasado hemos tenido el placer de recibir la visita de Roser Capdevila, creadora de “Las Tres Mellizas”, en el El Roure.
Una mujer encantadora, vinculada desde hace muchos años a Sant Joan de Mediona.
Vino a compartir una mañana de charla con los mayores de L’Heura. Explicó cómo, a lo largo de su vida profesional, ha trabajado sola y en equipo. En muchos países del mundo hay profesionales que colaboran con ella para que las aventuras de sus personajes lleguen a los hogares de niños y niñas de todo el Planeta... Los jóvenes de secundaria estaban maravillados por la simpatía y gran energía de esta mujer maravillosamente emprendedora y entusiasta de la vida. ¡Y de su arte! Roser ha apoyado nuestra campaña para la potabilización del agua de la escuela, con la donación de un espléndido dibujo que representa a las chicas y chicos de nuestro proyecto educativo, El Roure.
¡Muchas gracias, Roser!
During this month of May we enjoyed the visit that Roser Capdevila (author to “The Triplets”) made to El Roure.
A charming lady bonded to Sant Joan de Mediona since her youth.
She joined us one morning and had a shared talk with the eldest boys and girls in L’Heura. She told us how she had worked on her own and in teams all through her life. Around the world, there are professionals which cooperate with her so that the adventures of her characters reach children from so many countries... The young ones remained fascinated by the energy and friendliness of this lady, a life enthusiast and marvellous entrepreneur. And fascinated by her art, too! Roser has supported our school’s water-treatment campaign by donating a magnificent drawing which depicts the children at our educational centre, El Roure.
Thank you very much, Roser!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude
> 19 Co-financiers
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 49 Co-financiers
El Roure Digital Magazine
El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 26 Co-financiers
Collection of selected pedagogical articles
Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 68 Co-financiers
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 14 Co-financiers
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 17 Co-financiers
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 13 Co-financiers
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 09 Co-financiers
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 05 Co-financiers
Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
> 00 Co-financiers
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
> 04 Co-financiers
Formación anual de El Roure
Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
> 00 Co-financiers
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
> 01 Co-financiers
Support to spread the campaign in social networks.
Support with the packing of the ceramic bowls to be sent to the crowd funding sponsors.
Support with the shipment of the ceramic bowls to be sent to the crowd funding sponsors.