¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 20 / 06 / 2020
$ 161,228
$ 152,823
$ 2,063,105
165 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    2 social cinema tickets

    We will give away two movie tickets to one of the Social Associations working in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association in Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association in Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327

    3 social cinema tickets

    We will give away three movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come two days to the GALACTICAT Festival (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    4 social cinema tickets

    We will give away four movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    5 social cinema tickets

    We will give away five movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    10 social cinema tickets

    We will give away ten movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive T-shirt with the logo I LOVE CINE DE POBLE (shipping to Spain)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    20 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 20 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all the GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    40 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 40 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a two-day and one-night stay at the official GALACTICAT Festival accommodation (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    100 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 100 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for every day of the Festival during the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    200 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 200 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for two people for every day of the Festival at the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 00 Co-financiers


Avui HEM INICIAT el RETORN SOCIAL de tota l’estimació que vam rebre amb la CAMPANYA #ilovecinedepoble

Ens visiten als Cinemes Majèstic de Tàrrega gairebé un centenar d’integrants de l’ Associació Alba per assisitir a una sala de cinema...

[Read more]
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
5 últimos días de segunda ronda y campaña en Goteo. Si no has pasado por aquí antes, ponte al día.
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)



Ésta es la nota que le pongo a FORREST GUMP, la película de 1994 de Robert Zemeckis protagonizada de manera brillante por Tom Hanks y ganadora de 6 oscars de la academia, entre ellos MEJOR PELÍCULA, MEJOR DIRECTOR, MEJOR ACTOR...

[Read more]
Entre tod@s ¡se puede! Gracias por ayudarnos a lograrlo con Goteo
Esto ya está casi, es a todo o nada pero ¡se puede lograr!
¡Tres días no son nada! Si no has aportado aún, ¿a qué esperas? Mucha gente ya lo ha hecho.
¿Lo lograremos? Solo falta una semana y ¡aún hay que llegar al mínimo!
En el ecuador de la campaña de Goteo, te recordamos otras formas de ayudar aparte de donar.
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?


Nos sentimos CAMPEONES por haber empezado esta campaña sin experiencia previa y con la mente abierta.
Nos sentimos CAMPEONES por haber conectado con centenares de personas de totas las condiciones, colores y sensibilidades por toda la red.

[Read more]
En el ecuador del objetivo, ¡¡¡chán chán chán!!!
Hace una semana que empezamos nuestra campaña, aquí nuestros motivos (clic).


Hoy es el quinto día de campaña.

Empezamos en jueves, de manera que hemos pasado un "fin de semana" entre medias; Me permitiréis la licencia de entrecomillarlo, parece evidente que ahora los fines de semana y los días de trabajo se funden...

[Read more]
Gota a gota, donación a donación, ayúdanos a lograr nuestros objetivos (haz clic)
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!

41 cofinanciadores en dos dias? WOW!

Cuando la crisis por el Coronavirus empezó a azotar nuestro país, parecía una película mezcla entre Pánico en las calles,

la película de Elia Kazan de 1950 en la que la policía debe...

[Read more]
Aquí estamos, el equipo tras esta campaña y proyecto.
20% del objetivo mínimo ya logrado, ¡esto se mueve!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)