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Mensakas • APP de comida a domicilio responsable

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Finished 10 / 08 / 2018
$ 20,339
$ 17,383
$ 34,615
254 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Urban cycle tour

    You are warmly invited to join us for a cycle tour through Barcelona, following the routes we’ll be taking once the Mensakas app is up and running. Your support will help to create decent jobs and therefore we will include your name in the app's acknowledgments.

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 14

    Workshop: "Falsely self-employed workers rights" + Advice

    We’ll share our experiences of the struggle against false self-employment. Workers who are falsely self-employed are in an extremely vulnerable position due to their lack of legal protection. We can offer legal advice and, and more importantly, practical support. You can count on us when fighting for your rights.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 18

    Brunch with Mensakas

    If we achieve our minimum funding goal, when we launch the app we will organise a brunch to make it public. This reward includes a ticket for trying the fantastic food cooked by the partners of Mensakas app.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    RidersXD or Tenants' Union T-Shirt

    For this reward you can choose a cotton T-shirt with the RidersXDerechos logo or a cotton T-shirt from the Tenants' Union. People who work in precarious conditions are the same people who juggle different jobs to pay the rent. This is the beginning of a promising alliance between the struggles to both defend our rights at work and to protect our neighborhoods from predatory investors.

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 24

    EARLY BIRD: Mensakas T-Shirt

    Official Mensakas cooperative sports jersey. Pick it up at our headquarters!

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    RidersXD or Tenants' Union T-Shirt (Delivery in Spain)

    For this reward you can choose a cotton T-shirt with the RidersXDerechos logo or a cotton T-shirt from the Tenants' Union. People who work in precarious conditions are the same people who juggle different jobs to pay the rent. This is the beginning of a promising alliance between the struggles to both defend our rights at work and to protect our neighborhoods from predatory investors.

    > 34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Mensakas T-Shirt

    Official Mensakas cooperative sports jersey. Pick it up at our headquarters!

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Brunch Mensakas + T-shirt

    If we achieve our minimum funding goal, when we launch the app we will organise a brunch to make it public. This reward includes a ticket for trying the fantastic food cooked by the partners of Mensakas app. Your RidersXD or Tenants' Union t-Shirt will be available here for you to pick it up!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Go ProRider: join IAC

    The better we organise ourselves, the stronger we are. The RidersXDerechos platform has received a lot of support from the IAC (Alternative Trade Union Federation of Catalonia), which many of our riders have joined. This reward will give you a six-month affiliation to the IAC federation, which includes legal coverage relating to labour issues from the lawyers’ collective Col·lectiu Ronda. We look forward to seeing you in the next assembly to stand together against precarious work.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Mensakas t-shirt + RidersXD t-shirt (Delivery in Europe)

    Official Mensakas cooperative sports jersey plus a cotton T-shirt with the RidersXDerechos logo. Delivery expenses to any city in Europe included.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    ECO basket of Mengem Bages

    This reward is a basket of the highest quality organic and locally grown fruit and vegetables, courtesy of the Mengem Bages cooperative. The basket includes: 1kg ECO potatoes; 1kg ECO dried onion; ½ kg ECO courgettes; 1kg ECO skinned beans; Manresa escarole; Maresme ECO strawberries (500g tub); 1kg ECO bananas; ½kg ECO carrots; bunch of ECO chard; 1kg Fuji apples. Shipment to Barcelona.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76

    2 Brunch + 2 T-shirts

    This reward includes two tickets for trying the fantastic food cooked by the partners of Mensakas app at the presentation Brunch for the app. Here you will be able to pick up two t-shirts.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Go Partner

    A special reward for shops and restaurants that want to grow side-by-side with Mensakas. You will have access to our online sales and home delivery service using the Mensakas app. You will receive a Mensakas collaborator sticker for your business entrance + tablet + labeller. This will be the beginning of such an adventure!

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Curs de relacions laborals

    Oferim un curs de formació en les noves relacions laborals de dues sessions. Hem après molt en la pràctica, i de les denúncies, resolucions de Inspecció de Treball i sentencies judicials que s'han generat al voltant de la nostra lluita contra la falsa autonomia. Ideal per entitats socials, sindicats, centres educatius i institucions.

    > 01 Co-financiers

254 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors


$ 11


$ 11

Michel Escolano Garnica

$ 108
$ 27


$ 324
$ 22
Support message:
Contra la atomización del empleo. Ánimo!


$ 54
Support message:
Actualmente trabajo en Glovo , espero que podáis salir adelante y proporcionéis un empleo digno a todos los actuales Glovers, saludos y mucha suerte desde Málaga
$ 11

JuPe Nada Mas

$ 11


$ 6
Support message:
Os dono 2/3 de lo que gané hoy por la noche trabajando en Glovo. Buena suerte
$ 16


$ 108

Javier Laporta

$ 22
$ 14


$ 27