¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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Finished 06 / 12 / 2024
$ 23,852
$ 18,679
$ 31,095
198 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Organic vegetable basket by “Can Margarida”

    1 basket with 8 ecological and tasty vegetables! They must be picked up at Ateneu Flor de Maig, Poblenou, Barcelona.
    You have funded 25 cm of well!

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    You have funded 25 cm of well!

    You can provide your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may visit us on our farm whenever you like.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    2025 calendar by Sara Planella and you drill 25 cm of well

    The calendar is a watercolour piece by Sara Planella for the La Datzira 20th anniversary and “Save La Datzita” campaign. To be colected at Ateneu Flor de Maig, Poblenou.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    20th anniversary La Datzira poster, by Isabel Bacardit. Drill 25 cm of well

    Get a poster celebrating La Datzira Project ‘s 20 years of life. And may we, with your support, keep on living with the cooperative and the organic farming, as well as with the herd of goats.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Espectacle amb Patri Arcadas, "Humor Sanador", 31 de gener 2025, 20 h, Sala a Poblenou.

    Clown-cantant i compositora, Nuria Clotet i el seu “alter ego”, Patri Arcadas, ofereixen un espectacle on el públic torna a casa amb un “despertador quàntic”.

    Una nova visió i fórmula per fer-nos conscients allò que volem i allò que no de la nostra vida.

    Una profunda reflexió, des de la tendresa i amb molt d'humor, que ens guia entre cançons i monòlegs que provoquen el somriure i un viatge intern tremendament empoderador.

    La teva participació pot desgravar-se! . Descobreix com fer-ho AQUÍ.

    > 62 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Guided wandering around the Brotons Well, Moià. Drill 40 cm of well

    We’ll hike from Moià, guided by Núria Padrisa, getting to know the Marfà Valley and the old Brotons Well (a flour well, its surroundings and natural history). Spring of 2025. 3 hours long.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    “The Oracle of Tales” workshop. Drill 40 cm of well

    “The Oracle of Tales” gives you the chance of getting a tale as a guide and inspiration for your present moment, about a specific issue you’d like to consult. The “Oracle of Tales” is formed by 96 cards, each one of them with one tale from the “Wonderful Tales Library”. Which one will belong to your present moment? Come over and find out in group!
    Workshop provided by Emilia Matilla Alvarez (@emiliamatilla).
    Workshop duration: 2 hours. Maximum 12 people. Place: Ateneu La Flor de Maig, Poblenou, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Printed T-Shirt with design of La Datzira 20th Anniversary. Size Small. Drill 40 cm of well

    T-shirt screen printed by Carles Gomez, Size Small. You can pick up at the Ateneu de la Flor de Maig, and at Ca L'Isidret civic center, both in Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Printed T-Shirt with design of La Datzira 20th Anniversary. Size Medium. Drill 40 cm of well

    T-shirt screen printed by Carles Gomez, Size Medium. You can pick up at the Ateneu de la Flor de Maig, and at Ca L'Isidret civic center, both in Barcelona

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Printed T-Shirt with design of La Datzira 20th Anniversary. Size Large. Drill 40 cm of well

    T-shirt screen printed by Carles Gomez, Size Large. You can pick up at the Ateneu de la Flor de Maig, and at Ca L'Isidret civic center, both in Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Printed T-Shirt with design of La Datzira 20th Anniversary. Size Extra Large. Drill 40 cm of well

    T-shirt screen printed by Carles Gomez, Size Extra Large. You can pick up at the Ateneu de la Flor de Maig, and at Ca L'Isidret civic center, both in Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Printed T-Shirt with design of La Datzira 20th Anniversary. Size Extra Extra Large. Drill 40 cm of well

    T-shirt screen printed by Carles Gomez, Size Extra Extra Large. You can pick up at the Ateneu de la Flor de Maig, and at Ca L'Isidret civic center, both in Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Engraving “I’ve seen things that..” by Ran. Drill 40 cm of well

    Engraving 15 cm x 18,5 cm. By @ranxu
    The engravings are linocuts, i.e. the supporting base is made of linoleum, reproduced on engraved paper.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Engraving “Sea and Factory” by Ran. Drill 40 cm of well

    Engraving 16 cm x 16 cm. By @ranxu
    The engravings are linocuts, i.e. the supporting base is made of linoleum, reproduced on engraved paper.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Workshop Create your own soap with Sonsoles Benito. Drill 40 cm of well

    La Datzira is an association committed with the environment. Precisely, the advantages that it has towards health and the environment and, why not? The pleasure that provides creating these kind of products by oneself, at home, using caustic soda, used oil and water. If you take part in this workshop with Sonsoles Benito. You’ll get to know the bases and techniques of home made soap making. Enrol! If you bring your own oil, you’ll go home with the soap. It will take place at La Flor de Maig, Poblenou, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may come over to La Datzira whenever you like.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Guided hike around the Golarda gully, discovering magical spots. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Spend a weekend camping at La Datzira and hike with us around the Golarda gully, guided by Núria Padrisa. Discover wells, old uses of the gully, walls cut by time… in the spring of 2025.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Workshop "Making breath with mother dough". You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Camping at La Datzira on saturday evening. On Sunday we’ll do the bread and oven workshop: prepare the mother dough bread, with old flour varieties and cook it on a wood oven. You’ll bring quality food back home. Workshop by Paloma Fuentes. Spring of 2025.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Discover the marfà Valley. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Two nights of camping for 2 people.
    It’s a good spot for camping, along with explanations of hiking routes through the valley, from dry stone constructions, Brotond Well, views. Wind along the Golarda gully.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Individual session “The Oracle of Tales” . You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Individual session of “The Oracle of Tales” by Emilia Matilla (@emiliamatilla). You will have the possibility of choosing a tale as a guide and inspiration for your present moment, about a specific issue you’d like to consult. The “Oracle of Tales” is formed by 96 cards, each one of them with one tale from the “Wonderful Tales Library”. Which one will belong to your present moment? Come and discover your tale!
    You will get an audio and text of your chosen tale.
    Place: Ateneu La Flor de Maig, Poblenou, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Individual session "The forgotten art of feet washing. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Feet washing ritual by Emilia Matilla. One hour session approx in which bath your feet with lukewarm water, lavender essence and feet massage on the gurney (individually).

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Introduction to Chinese calligraphy and discovering its culture through it. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Workshop by Bosco Wong. Learn how to write some Chinese words and discover this language philosophy. Duration of 2 hours and maximum of 20 people (from 13 year-olds on). From February 2025 on. At Ateneu La Flor de Maig, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Cooking with Chinese sauce workshop. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Workshop by Bosco Wong.
    Learn to cook 3 dishes with different sauces of the Chinese traditional cooking. 3 groups of 4 people, aimed for adults. At the Ca l’Isidret (leisure centre) kitchen, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Tour about cooperativism in Poblenou, Barcelona. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Divulgative and critical tour about cooperativism in Poblenou. Guided by Albert Valencia. Walk exploring the history of cooperativism in the neighbourhood and the initiatives and present challenges of consumer, housing and working cooperativism in Poblenou. The tour has a 2 hours duration (30 people max).

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Session of Sound Mandala with Maribel Sego. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    The Sound Mandala is a sound bath in group, mainly with Tibetan bowls, bells, crotals, drums… the sound and vibration will led you to a deep relaxing feeling, will help you to enter into a meditation state, stop your mind, connect with your body, free tensions, reduce stress and anxiety and cultivate a very refreshing sleep.
    The vibration and resonance will provide you with a moment of peace, self-care, embrace, helping you to connect with yourself at different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
    It helps you enter into a meditative state. It’s a good option for people with meditation difficulties and for those with an easier practice.
    This experience not only fosters relaxation and helps meditation, but also communication, blood circulation, and relief in general pain situations, especially throughout a crisis, common among people suffering from fibromyalgia.
    It will be a different feeling experience, in which you will feel the vibration of bowls onto your body, if you choose it so. Not meant for expecting mothers, pacemaker holders, recent surgery undergoes, acute inflammation sufferers, serious illnesses or if you suffer from hypertonia. In these cases, you can take part in the sound bath but the vibration cannot be applied directly to your body.
    Each group will be formed by a maximum of 8 people, so that you can get a close care and feel at home.
    I invite you to stop the daily fuss, get some breath, and to give yourself a moment of self-care as a reward for collaboration with the Datzira project.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Musical stimulation session for babies, by Maribel Sego. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    In this musical stimulation workshop, babies will be able to get in contact with music, with its elements as a starting point. They will start stimulating different skills at cognitive, motor and emotional levels, and most importantly by your side.
    We will discover new sounds, listen to the rhythm and learn new songs to sing with mum and dad… we’ll have a great time!
    We invite you to strengthen the bond with your baby while they self-develop. We will sing, dance and play instruments. Adults will feel a little bit like babies again, relax and have family fun. This workshop is also for you!
    Groups of a maximum of 8 families formed by one or two grownups. It would be great if you tell me your baby’s age in order to organise the groups. Babies up to 36 months of age.
    Make the most of this family reward for your contribution to the Datzira project.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Paella workshop. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Workshop taught by Jordi Garcia. Do you want to learn how to make a paella? You already know but would like to learn some more tricks? When you make paella for more than 5 diners, do the amounts get out of control?

    Very very ideal WORKSHOP and with the perfect excuse to finally get together at a table.

    Maximum 20 people. At the Ateneo de la For de Maig. Poblenou Barcelona

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Engraving “Poblenou 1936” by Ran. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    A4 size, 2 colours.
    The engravings are linocuts, i.e. the supporting base is made of linoleum, reproduced on engraved paper.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Engraving “Juggler” by Ran. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    28 cm x 38 cm.
    The engravings are linocuts, i.e. the supporting base is made of linoleum, reproduced on engraved paper.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Engraving “Poblenou 1936 II” by Ran. You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    The engravings are linocuts, i.e. the supporting base is made of linoleum, reproduced on engraved paper.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Come and discover the Vall de Marfa, camping 4 nights in Datzira (for two people). You’ve drilled 50 cm of well!

    Come and camp at the Mas. We will explain routes for walking or cycling, to discover the history of the Valley, its works in dry stone, mills, nature, and our activity as an association.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may come over to La Datzira whenever you like and get to know the project.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Massage workshop with Chinese medicine perspective.You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    From the Chinese medicine perspective, we will learn how to take care of another body. Workshop by Bosco Wong, 3 hours duration. You must bring a yoga mattress and wear comfortable clothes. At Ateneu Flor de Maig, Barcelona.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Rock climbing initiation at La Foixarda tunnel, Barcelona. You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    An initiation mat to climbing in the Foixarda tunnel, Barcelona. Everyone has to bring their own cat's feet. The group will be of 5 people. You will be accompanied by Mateu Berton.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Plantar reflexology (individual session).You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    Foot reflexology is an ancient technique that, by applying pressure and friction to specific points on the foot, increases the self-healing and regeneration capacity of the body itself. Montse Martin will do it for you. Enjoy her!

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Quiromassage (individual session). You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    Treat yourself with a quiromassage by Jordi Garcia.
    Because you are worth it.
    Because treating yourself with a massage had never been so useful and necessary for such an extreme and necessary cause.
    Because cooperating with the farmers is cooperating for your own well-being.
    Like farming, the earth, the plants, food, or your body need water. Now, what your body needs is a massage:

    • Decontracting
    • Craniofacial
    • Pectoral girdle
    • De-stressful
    • Sportive
    • Feet and legs
    • Back, spine, cervical

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Come and find truffles and taste them with a good breakfast You’ve drilled 1 meter of well!

    Come and fiWe’ll be a maximum of 8 people. We’ll look for truffles with truffle dogs and you’ll be able to taste them with a good breakfast. This activity will take place at La Datzira on a Sunday. From January to February 2025. Organized by Núria Padrisa.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 130

    Sponsor a young goat, which will remain in our herd.

    Get to know them, name them, and see how they live in the heerd and graze in the woods. You’ll be able to visit them whenever you feel like. They’ll be born from February on.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 173

    You’ve drilled 2 meters of well!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may come over to La Datzira whenever you like and get a great batch of products elaborated with much love in our farm, plus a calendar and poster of our 20th anniversary.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 259

    We’re 3 meters deeper, we’re getting closer!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may come over to La Datzira whenever you like and get a great batch of products elaborated with much love in our farm, plus a calendar and poster of our 20th anniversary.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Dos cabrits ben parits!!

    Un pel 2025, altre pel 2026 .... I bon menjar

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 378

    Goat meat barbacue fest. You’ve drilled 3 meters of well!

    Come over and eat assorted grilled goat meat with aioli, wine and coffee. Spend a day in nature with good company (For a group of 10 people)

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 432

    We’re 5 meters deep, we can see water already!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. You may come over to La Datzira whenever you like and get a great batch of products elaborated with much love in our farm. Plus a calendar and poster of our 20th anniversary.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 432

    Goat stew party for 10 friends or family. You’ve drilled 5 meters of well!

    Come over and eat goat stew. salad with aioli, wine and coffee for froups of 10 friends, relatives… And spend a day in nature with good company.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 648

    You have booked 4 organic goats

    You have booked 4 organic goats, with the cut you like, between 6 and 8 kg. It can be either one each year (during two years) or two this same year. Enjoy meat produced in extensive livestock farming, from goats that have only suckled from their mum’s breasts.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 864

    You have drilled 10 meters of well! We can hear the water!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. We’ll love you forever! You can count with a barbacue or stew of goat meat...let's talk!

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,728

    You have drilled 20 meters of well! We’re almost wet!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. We’ll love you forever! You can count with a barbacue or stew of goat meat, and a batch of preserves...let's talk!
    And you’ll get an original painting by Isabel Bacardit.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,319

    You have drilled 50 meters of well! We’re dancing of joy!

    You can make your contribution without asking for a reward, and if you wish you will appear on the acknowledgements list. We’ll love you forever! You can count with a barbacue or stew of goat meat...let's talk! And you’ll get an original painting by Isabel Bacardit.

    Your participation might have tax relief! Find out how to do it HERE.

    > 00 Co-financiers

I anem amb les recompenses...

Ja hem fet el Taller de Tofones i l'Espectacle de Patri Arcades... Continuem agraint-vos el vostre suport

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I continuem amb el pou !!!!

Bon solstici d'hivern!!!

Estem acabant l'estructura on aniran les plaques solars que faran funcionar la bomba del pou. A poc a poc i sense pausa cada vegada estem més a prop de poder continuar amb la nostra vida lligada a la natura...

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Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!
Casi, casi, casi estamos… ¿Cómo acabará este Goteo? Haz clic para saber quién nos ha apoyado ya.

Instal.lada bomba!!!!

Doncs aqui la tenim, fora del pou i ja dintre, amb l'arqueta protectora. Ara anem a aconseguir plaques solars, instal.lacio amb els seus marcs i conexió eléctrica per veure sortir l'aigua. A veure si arribem a tot!!!

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Nos faltan 7 días y no hemos llegado aún al mínimo, ¡ayy ayyy...momento clave para aportar!

Hem trobat aigua!!!!

Tot ha anat molt de pressa. La màquina perforadora ha trobat aigua a 132 m de profunditat, molt més amunt del que esperàvem. Estem increïblement contents!! Gràcies a totes vosaltres tenim de nou aigua a la Datzira. El projecte continua...

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Ha començat la maquina perforadora!!!

Doncs dit i fet. L'empresa perforadora tenia altres feines parades per fang, i va decidir venir ja al mas... Ha profunditzat 13 m, fins la pedra,i continuara dilluns. Quins nervis!!! Pou en marxa!!!

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20 días de campaña en Goteo, y aún un mundo por delante. ¿Quién nos puede ayudar también con esto? (haz clic)
100% del mínimo superado, toda una alegría… ¡Gracias!
¡Qué nervios, ya casi lo tenemos!
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?

Hem arribat als 130 m de profunditat en donacions!!!

Quasi veiem l'aigua. Anem pels 130 m. Moltíssimes gràcies a totes les que ens doneu suport.

Ja podeu veure la samarreta que serigrafiarà Carles Gómez, dibuix de Sara Planella, per totes aquelles que demanin aquesta recompensa.

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01 Yorumlar
Tras una semana de crowdfunding, te recordamos nuestros motivos (haz clic)
50% recaudado, ¡ya vemos el vaso medio lleno!
Haz clic para ver lo que vamos a hacer si logramos este crowdfunding.

Nova recompensa!!!!!! Espectacle de Patri Arcades

Hem arribat al 30%. Moltíssimes gràcies a totes!!!

I com un gran esdeveniment us avisem que la genial Patri Arcadas, amb el seu espectacle "Humor Sanador" s'ha ofert a col·laborar amb la campanya Salvem la Datzira. A una sala...

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¿Quieres saber más de nuestra campaña? Nos presentamos.
Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!