¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 02 / 10 / 2021
€ 8.691
€ 5.010
€ 8.450
130 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    We plant a tree!

    We will plant a tree, protect it and take care of it for you. In addition, we will name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    We planted two trees!

    We will plant three trees, protect them and take care of them for you. We will also name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    We planted five trees!

    We will plant, protect and take care of five trees for you, we will name you on the list of collaborators. In addition, we will give you a free night for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included).

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    We plant your grove!

    We will plant a grove of ten trees for you, we will give it the name you prefer (Ex: Mary's Oak Grove) and we will place a plaque with the name there. In addition, we will give you two free nights for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included). And of course, we will name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Sponsor an entire area!

    We will name an entire area that you choose (Ex: William's stream) and we will plant between 25 and 50 trees for you (including larger units). We will also put a plaque with your name there and name you on the list of collaborators. In addition, we will give you five free nights for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included).

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

Reforestation in the Estrecho Natural Park

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Essential materials for the installation of a perimeter fence. The objective is to protect the area of action from the threat of cattle and wild boar, until the seedlings are sufficiently developed.
€ 700
Fuel used to travel to plant nurseries and warehouses for the acquisition of basic materials.
€ 100
Seedlings and seeds
Acquisition of seeds and plant specimens of various sizes and of different species, both indigenous and traditional agricultural.
€ 1.450
To ensure the rooting and prosperity of our plants, it is necessary to correct the degradation of the soil by providing a little plant matter.
€ 350
Food for the plantation camp
With this money we will cover the living expenses of 20 volunteers during the planting week (Includes organic food, gas and water).
€ 1.400
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Research, management and execution of the project
For the project to come to life and go ahead with guarantees, it is necessary to dedicate a lot of time and hard work. Covering a year of research, organization, logistics, field work such as fencing construction and site preparation ... certainly require minimal reconnaissance.
€ 1.000
Bank fees and platform expenses
Banks, Paypal and the Goteo platform need to pay for their activity by charging a percentage of the money collected. This item would cover these expenses for the part of the minimum budget.
€ 450
Taxes to the Treasury
The money collected will be taxed as equity income in our account (and not as a donation). For this reason, we must also consider this expense, which would be 25% of the money collected. This amount will cover that expense in the minimum budget.
€ 960
Work tools
This job requires a lot of hands ... and tools too! We will need to buy some hoes, shovels and picks to be able to work in teams simultaneously.
€ 250
Irrigation system
We can trust nature and use various techniques to carry out the planting in the most optimal way for the survival of the plants. But if we want to make sure that the majority of the plants thrive, we should install a tank and a drip system in the most sensitive areas.
€ 350
Solar pump
To feed the irrigation system we need to pump water from the stream to the highest part of the farm. And we want the clean energy of the sun to be used for this.
€ 450
Video recording and montage
This money will be used to pay the professional who has collaborated in the recording, assembly and editing of the campaign videos. In this way we will also support youth employment.
€ 100
Translation and subtitling of the campaign
This item will be used to recognize the translation and interpretation work of a professional. In this way we will also support youth employment.
€ 100
Bank fees and platform expenses
Banks, Paypal and the Goteo platform need to pay for their activity by charging a percentage of the money collected. This item would cover these expenses for the optimal budget portion.
€ 150
Taxes to the Treasury
The money collected will be taxed as equity income in our account (and not as a donation). For this reason, we must also consider this expense, which would be 25% of the money collected. This amount will cover that expense in the optimal budget.
€ 640
Total € 5.010 € 8.450

General information

In the planetary moment we currently live in, characterized by climate change , the destruction of entire ecosystems and the massive extinctions of flora and fauna ...


This project was born out of frustration and anger when seeing how the human being is destroying his own home . But far from staring or lamenting, we have decided to turn that anger into action.

WE ARE GOING TO WORK TO RECOVER THE ORIGINAL FOREST of a part of the Estrecho Natural Park, in Tarifa, the southernmost point of Europe (Cádiz, Spain).

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/contraste-bosque-y-pradera.jpg)

The chosen place

The area that we are going to regenerate will be a total of 10,000 m2 approx. A land degraded by the historical pressure of human activities, in the final stretch of the Guadalmesí River. This corridor of life, which links the Estrecho Natural Park with the Alcornocales Natural Park, represents one of the jewels of the biosphere .

It is a must for many migratory birds (such as vultures, eagles or storks) and is home to countless very valuable species of flora and fauna (such as oaks, cork oaks, ferns or otters, amphibians, genets, roe deer...). In addition, it houses the last remnants of the ancient laurel forest , also known as cloud forest. A rich jungle that connected the Mediterranean basin with Eurasia and Northwest Africa, more than 20 million years ago. Today, in Europe, it only survives in the canute of the Guadalmesí River and some islands of Macaronesia.

Without a doubt, for all this ITS CONSERVATION IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE!

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/aluz-fotografia-en-el-parque-natural-de-los-alcorn-1)

  • Image of the natural aspect of the laurel forest (Alcornocales Natural Park) *

The challenges we face

  1. Massive felling of the forest for logging.

  2. Excessive presence of livestock that prevents its own natural regeneration.

  3. Excessive presence of wild boars that stir and loosen the earth.

  4. Terrain characterized by a strong slope .

  5. Seasonal episodes of heavy rains and long droughts .

The sum of all these factors favor the loss of the fertile layers of the land and cause a constant degradation of the ecosystem.

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/acornocal1.jpg)

  • Image of centenary cork oaks with its roots in the air due to soil loss (Area of ​​action) *

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/zona-de-mas-erosion-1.jpg)

  • Image of erosion caused by deforestation and runoff water (Area of ​​action) *

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The objectives we pursue

  • Protection against erosion.

  • Promoting regeneration of fertile soil.

  • Planting of different species of native flora (Cork oaks, oaks, palm hearts, ferns, strawberry trees...).

  • Plantation of traditional fruit species (figs, almonds, olives, citrus, walnuts...).

The main objective will be the recovery of the autochthonous forest , conceiving it so that it can also be used by people. This will generate an edible forest that allows a perfect synergy between human beings and the natural environment .

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/plantacion-de-un-arbol-493-601.jpg)

The actions that we will carry out

  1. Protection of the area with the installation of a temporary fence , avoiding the presence of cattle but respecting their usual path towards the mountain. This will promote the natural regeneration of the ecosystem in coexistence with the traditional livestock activity .

  2. Placement of natural obstacles (stones, logs...) to generate terraces and thus favor the retention of water and soil in critical areas.

  3. Excavation of water retention trenches (swales) in the steepest parts.

  4. Sowing and planting of native forest species , accelerating the regeneration process and further promoting the retention of water and soil, the production of organic matter and the increase in biodiversity. Agricultural species typical of the area will also be added to generate an edible forest .

! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/mapa-repoblacion-molino-detalle.png)

  • Map of the area to be regenerated and its surroundings *

Why this is important

The motivation for the development of this project arises from several reasons:

• Because of the awareness of the dangerous ecological moment that we are living in (climate change, loss of biodiversity, pressure from human activities, increase in invasive alien species, etc.).

• By the identification of numerous signs of degradation in certain parts of the environment (little vegetation cover, large number of diseased trees, strong soil erosion, etc.).

• For the love of nature in general, which welcomes us and gives us life, and the Guadalmesí Valley in particular, home (increasingly threatened) to countless high-value species.

For all these reasons, WE ENCOURAGE ANYONE TO PARTICIPATE! Whether it is contributing money, spreading the word about the campaign or taking the shovel and planting a tree...


Team and experience

This initiative is supported by the community of Molino de Guadalmesí and their friends. The idea was born from the hand of Diego Cuenca, an amateur planter with several years of experience, but it was nourished with the contributions of all the companions of the community:

*Alicia, Johnny, Goretti, Sandra, Anna, Sergi, Leni, Luis, Fiamma, Zeeba, Marianne, Valeria, Carlos, Karina, Sara, Silvia, Ana, Lucía, Carmen, Biole, Nefeli, Matteo ...

Thanks also to the contributions of great professionals who are mentioned here and thanked:

  • Felipe Martínez (Forestry Engineer)
  • Andrés Alonso (Blog Repoblación Autóctona)
  • Julio César (Proyecto Forestal Ibérico)
  • Giulia Zinghini (Videomaker)
  • Alba Cuenca (Social Media Manager)
  • La Catalina (Reforestation Proyect in Vejer de la Frontera, Spain)
  • Matricia Lana and Lucho Iglesias (Proyecto Caña Dulce).
  • Associació Globers (Spain)
  • RIE (Iberian Ecovillage Network)
  • Neighbors of Tarifa and the Guadalmesí Valley (Cádiz, Spain)

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development