Contributing € 10
Thank you!
You will appear in the final list of all donators of this crowdfunding campaign that will be shared in our social media networks!
> 17 Co-financiers
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Lum Ha’: La Odisea ambiental
You will appear in the final list of all donators of this crowdfunding campaign that will be shared in our social media networks!
Now you are part of the Lum Ha' family! Not only will you appear in the list of all donators, but we will also include you in our quarterly report of news and progress at Lum Ha'.
As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail one of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful print. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.
As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail two of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful prints. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.
Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name!
Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.
Tree with your name + set of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Your contribution is making a big difference! As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a set of our handcrafted Lum Ha' products (delivery in Mexico).
For Europe and other countries we will send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.
As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a ceramic handcraft made in the pottery town Amatenango, Chiapas. (delivery in Mexiko and Europe)
We will plant a native tree in your name. We will also send you a textile craft made in Chiapas. (shipments to Mexico and Europe only)
Tree with your name + Weekend in Lum Ha'
We will plant a native tree in your name. We also offer you a weekend at Lum Ha’ for two people.
Enjoy a weekend in the mountains of Chiapas! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a tour (walk) in the area.
You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.
Tree with your name + four nights at Lum Ha '+ one tourist attraction in Chiapas
We will plant a native tree in your name.
We also offer you 4 nights at Lum Ha’ and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for two people! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals, a tour (walk) in the area and an over night visit to the Lagos de Colón.
You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.
Tree with your name + Membership Lum Ha' + official sponsor on website
You have become a great sponsor of Lum Ha’ with a permanent recognition on our website! We will also plant a native tree with your name and we offer you a membership to visit Lum Ha' when you wish, once a year for four nights (for two people). It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for one night. (valid for three years)
Let's create forests and water landscapes in Chiapas, Mexico. Based on the principles of Permaculture a philosophie of circular economy.
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Minimum | Optimum |
WATER - Creation of a lake of 1200m2
Rental costs for a excavator for 3 weeks.
€ 5.000 | |
WATER - Creation of a lake of 1200m2
Consulting costs for a surveyor and Keyline Design expert.
€ 1.000 | |
WATER - Creation of a lake of 1200m2
Labour costs for compacting de floor of the lake.
€ 2.000 | |
WATER - Rainwater harvesting tanks to collect rainwater from roofs.
Rainwater harvesting tank of 200,000 liters capacity consisting of a steel structure and geo-membrane.
€ 5.000 | |
WATER - Rainwater harvesting tanks to collect rainwater from roofs.
Rainwater harvesting tank of 75,000 liters capacity consisting of a steel-cement-structure.
€ 2.500 | |
Initiative "for the community"
Ecological-building of 2 wood saving wood stoves in different households.
€ 1.000 | |
Initiative "for the community"
Ecological-building of 3 dry toilets in different households.
€ 4.000 | |
Commercialization of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Building expenses for a greenhouse that will be mainly producing different kinds of chili for Lum Ha' sauces.
€ 1.000 | |
Ecological-construction of central building (production centre / social centre for collaborators and visitors)
Material costs (Wood, sand, geo-membrane, etc.)
€ 6.000 | |
Ecological-construction of central building (production centre / social centre for collaborators and visitors)
Consultancy cost for reviewing plans with an architect and engineer.
€ 1.000 | |
Ecological-construction of central building (production centre / social centre for collaborators and visitors)
Labour expenses for a team of 6 builders, working for 4 months.
€ 8.000 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
General costs generated in the preparation of the campaign
Production costs of the video / Development and realization communication strategy (social media) / Updates on website.
€ 3.000 | |
Commission fees for Goteo, Bank and PayPal. This also includes the shipping fees for sending the rewards.
€ 3.500 | |
Commercialization of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Register as a legal enterprise and consultancy costs with an accountant.
€ 2.000 | |
Commercialization of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Marketing and sales expenses for the initiation of national commercialization of Lum Ha' products.
€ 2.000 | |
Total | € 22.000 | € 47.000 |
Lum Ha’ is a multicultural family project in progress on a property of 7 hectares in a small community, El Carmelito, located in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. This area faces acute environmental problems including deforestation, drought, depletion of the local springs, and contamination by agrochemicals and mining. All of these factors contribute to the accelerated environmental degradation of this area.
To date there have been no initiatives to deal adequately with any of these problems in this area. The dream of Lum Ha’s creators is to serve as a nucleus for environmental remediation and reforestation, by way of example and through mutual learning with the other community members, to inspire positive change in the larger region.
We have spent four years dedicated to the creation of an ecological oasis, putting into practice the principles of Permaculture. Together with local families we have initiated projects including the capture and use of rainwater, reforestation, ecological animal breeding, bioconstruction and the production and commercialization of artisanal food products. During these 4 years we have worked to integrate ourselves into the community in order to build sustainable living systems that will achieve environmental change in the larger region.
We have come to realize that we won’t convince the local population to take measures towards change by theory alone. This is the reason why we have decided to implement this holistic permaculture design on the property of Lum Ha’, to demonstrate the opportunities it has to offer and how it responds to so many real and regional problems. Once the design is implemented and working and the local community have come to approve our cooperation, together we will realize the same designs on communally owned lands.
Our mission is to promote a movement to reforest the area with native species and to develop self-sufficient systems that act as examples for the larger community. We plan to accomplish this by using, among other techniques, Keyline water harvesting designs, optimizing use of land, giving back space to healthy forests, agroecology, responsibly rearing of livestock and sustainably managing firewood lots.
In addition, we promote the creation of an economic model based on the production of artisanal food and “Slow Tourism” in which we invite local community members as well as people from all over the world to immerse themselves in this experience. In this model the creation of fair jobs that include a sense of accomplishment and well-being for local community members is essential.
Our commitment is to share all experiences and new-found knowledge with the local community, so together we can achieve positive change and improve environmental conditions in the region.
To enable reforestation we need to build economic and water self- sufficiency. In order for this to happen we seek your support for the following projects:
Creation of a larger kitchen: We need to enlarge the existing kitchen so it can function as the area for the expanded production of Lum Ha ’artisanal products as well as a dining and meeting room for our visitors and collaborators.
Production and sale of Lum Ha’s Artisanal food: Register as a legal enterprise in order to market, ship and sell our products nationwide. In order to expand our range of organic products we must produce all the organic ingredients ourselves including biological fertilizer based on the use of microorganisms to guarantee that our products will be 100% organic.
2. WATER LANDSCAPES (keyline design)
In order to increase the moisture in the soil, we have devised a system that will make efficient use of available water. We will create a 1,200 m2 lake on the property which will be capable of supplying water during the dry season. The lake will work in conjunction with a series of small dams and canals placed strategically, using the Keyline design technique along the contour of the land to capture and direct the water where it is needed. In addition, two rainwater harvesting tanks of 70,000 and 200,000 liters be installed, bringing water from the roofs to irrigate the garden and fields and for daily use.
This water supply is directed towards creating self-sufficiency in the project, as well as towards the realization of our reforestation initiative, from which all the people of the region will benefit.
As part of this project, we will provide support to families of the Carmelito community who are in urgent need. We will build three dry toilets in different homes and two wood-saving and smoke-free stoves to save water and fuel and to prevent respiratory and eye diseases.
We ask for support from all those who wish to contribute positively to the conservation of the balance of nature. We have created this campaign to combine the efforts of all people who want healthy, abundant forests in the world. We want to create and connect a network of families, men and women who take care of the Earth and who are very grateful to it for providing the force of life to us all. We will learn to meet our needs without destroying, contaminating, or abusing natural resources. We are dedicating our lives to this project, support us! We invite you to be part of this environmental journey.
Our journey began in 2011 when we - Yuridia, and Sebastian decided to unite our lives and those of our children and began the search for a meaningful path. We are a multicultural family with roots in Germany and Mexico.
During our studies in economics and marketing and in our professional experiences in different parts of the world, we witnessed scenes of exploitation and destruction caused by the globalized business world. This opened our eyes and our minds to making new decisions in our lives and acting differently; so we left the life we had built and embarked on a journey into the unknown.
At that time, we came across the philosophy of permaculture and we discovered that it was a mirror of our dreams. We visited and learned from various permaculture projects in Latin America and Europe. From that experience, our dream was born: to create a project that uses this valuable philosophy to improve our own lives and the lives of other community members.
For the past eight years we have looked for new ways of living. We study and experiment with holistic systems that go much further than just generating income; systems which work in harmony with nature and create life.
The project includes 2 work teams led by:
Sebastian Winnen who is responsible for Permaculture design, bioconstruction, animal breeding and rearing, horticulture, reforestation management, and sale of artisan products as well as being a father. The work team also includes 5 men (Paseano, Santos, Alfredo, Angel and Gilberto) from our community.
Yuridia Winnen-Delgado is responsible for production of artisanal food for commerce, cooking, herbalism, management of "Slow Tourism" as well as being a mother. The work team also includes 2 other women (Florinda, Dalia) from our community.
This project is an attempt to develop a reforestation and re-naturalization center that implements holistic and sustainable systems based on the philosophy and principles of permaculture by working together with other members of the local community to achieve a positive environmental impact in the region.
Thank you!
You will appear in the final list of all donators of this crowdfunding campaign that will be shared in our social media networks!
> 17 Co-financiers
Thank you!
Now you are part of the Lum Ha' family! Not only will you appear in the list of all donators, but we will also include you in our quarterly report of news and progress at Lum Ha'.
> 26 Co-financiers
One photograph + message of acknowledgement
As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail one of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful print. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.
> 11 Co-financiers
Two photographs + message of acknowledgement
As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail two of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful prints. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.
> 02 Co-financiers
Tree with your name
Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name!
> 57 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + photographs
Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.
> 09 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + set of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Tree with your name + set of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
Your contribution is making a big difference! As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a set of our handcrafted Lum Ha' products (delivery in Mexico).
For Europe and other countries we will send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.
> 31 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + handcrafted ceramic from Amatenango, Chiapas
As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a ceramic handcraft made in the pottery town Amatenango, Chiapas. (delivery in Mexiko and Europe)
> 05 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + handcrafted textile, Chiapas
We will plant a native tree in your name. We will also send you a textile craft made in Chiapas. (shipments to Mexico and Europe only)
> 06 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + Weekend in Lum Ha'
Tree with your name + Weekend in Lum Ha'
We will plant a native tree in your name. We also offer you a weekend at Lum Ha’ for two people.
Enjoy a weekend in the mountains of Chiapas! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a tour (walk) in the area.
You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.
> 03 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + four nights at Lum Ha '+ one tourist attraction in Chiapas
Tree with your name + four nights at Lum Ha '+ one tourist attraction in Chiapas
We will plant a native tree in your name.
We also offer you 4 nights at Lum Ha’ and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for two people! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals, a tour (walk) in the area and an over night visit to the Lagos de Colón.
You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.
> 00 Co-financiers
Tree with your name + Membership Lum Ha' + official sponsor on website
Tree with your name + Membership Lum Ha' + official sponsor on website
You have become a great sponsor of Lum Ha’ with a permanent recognition on our website! We will also plant a native tree with your name and we offer you a membership to visit Lum Ha' when you wish, once a year for four nights (for two people). It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for one night. (valid for three years)
> 00 Co-financiers