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Move Commons

Filed on 13 / 12 / 2011
$ 1,197
$ 7,838
$ 10,886
58 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Thanks environmentalist!

    You have our gratitude, the appearance in the annual donors list, and the acknowledgement of your environmentalism, as we won't send you the stickers you deserve for not harming the environment.

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Thanks for not being consumerist!

    All of the above + gratitude for not being consumerist, as we won't send you neither the stickers nor the CDs for not filling your house with marketing merchandise that you would forget in a few days.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Customized assistance in order to satisfy the Move Commons categories

    All of the above + Acknowledging your social involvement, we'll provide you with remote personalized assistance, so your social/cultural/political/creative/software project/collective/organization fully satisfies the four categories of Move Commons.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544

    Assistance to improve the running of your collective

    All of the above + As we know that building alternatives is not easy, we'll help you with face-to-face personal assistance to improve how does your collective/project/organization works (or will work). We'll advise you in topics such as: internal organization, social media, fundraising, community management, use of free software and horizontality.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,089

    First supporters & special consultancy

    All of the above + Because of your great support, your organization will become one of the first ones to use, defend and appear in the Move Commons platform. Besides, through meetings we'll advice you on the best ways to include Move Commons in each of your initiatives/projects, making sure they are easily found. Finally, we'll support you in a personalized strategy of diffusion.

    > 00 Co-financiers

El proyecto Move Commos sigue adelante

Hola a tod@s!

Después de no alcanzar el objetivo que nos marcamos, y después de pasados un par de meses, queremos anunciar a viva voz que Move Commons sigue adelante. Podéis leer nuestras conclusiones sobre esta experiencia en Goteo...

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Help! Hardware issues :(

One day to finish the campaign, and we just had serious problems (two hard disks failed...) with one of our servers in Comunes.org Thus, we make a call to the community in case anyone have servers or hardware spare parts that we could use. More...

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Web developers out there?

Move Commons has multiples challenges ahead. We'll have to communicate appropriately our project, achieve a sufficient number of labelled initiatives, translate it to many languages... but before anything else we'll have to develop a web platform...

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Workgroup in Medialab-Prado (Madrid)

Move Commons is a project member of the Commons Lab of the Medialab-Prado (Madrid). Each project forms a workgroup that during a whole year it will discuss and collaborate in the progressive evolution of the project. There will be periodical...

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Last week of campaign! Do you wanna collaborate with us?

We are entering into the last 7 days of campaign. Now we can confirm that Move Commons is difficult to communicate (or at least people cannot understand us enough) and we have received few economic contributions. On the other hand, in this time...

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We need communication experts!

A few days ago we added the role of "communicators" to the "non-economic needs" (collaborations). In this campaign we are learning a lot, and we are seeing the main issue is that the non-geeks cannot understand what we are doing. It's very difficult...

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Another video! The current global situation and why Move Commons

Another video, this time the one we did in the Free Culture Forum (Barcelona) a few weeks ago. In this nice environment we presented several Comunes projects, and of course we began with Move Commons. We have the slides we used (in...

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Presentation from the Spanish lawyer Javier de la Cueva

Hi everybody!

A while ago we included a second video in the webpage of the campaign. It's a piece of 1 min of a presentation of Move Commons made in the Medialab-Prado (Madrid) done by the popular Spanish lawyer Javier de la Cueva ( @jdelacueva...

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Aquest matí hem superat una nova fita, la del 40%! I tot just portem 9 dies!

A aquest ritme, de ben segur que ho aconseguirem!

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