¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Renovemos la cultura sorda!

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Finished 14 / 02 / 2015
$ 4,268
$ 2,963
$ 3,829
67 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Acknowledgment: your name will be included in the credits of the videos

    We will include a list with the names of every one helping us realize this project. The list of names will be also published in a highlight place at the site.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Certificate of thanks

    You will receive a PDF certificate of thanks signed by the editors of the page, sent electronically and your name will be mentioned in the list of donors.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Acknowledgment: download of our unreleased documentary "Fragments of a Deaf history (Work of Auguste Bébian)"

    We will send you a link for downloading our unreleased documentary "Fragments of a Deaf history (Work of Auguste Bébian)" (by the Venezuelan-French filmmaker Victor Correa Cova, 2011). We will also send you a printed certificate of thanks signed by the editors of cultura-sorda and will include your name in our list of donors.

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Product: Printed historical calendar 2015 (Deaf world topics)

    People helping us with an amount equal to or greater than 50,- € will receive a printed calendar 2015, illustrated with historical images of the Deaf world. You can also download our documentary film "Fragments of a deaf history (Work of Auguste Bébian)" (by the Venezuelan-French filmmaker Victor Correa Cova, 2011). Finally, your name will be included in our list of donors.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 216

    Banner of sponsor at the website

    Those institutions or people making a donation of 200,- € or superior will receive recognition on our website through a banner placed at the bottom of the first page. The banner will be designed with the artwork and text provided by the donor (with the limitations imposed by laws and by the principles advocated by our website) and will be maintained online for 6 months.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

Eliminating information barriers from the biggest online library for Deaf Studies in Spanish

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Nuevo diseño accesible para el sitio web
Diseño de la nueva página según lineamientos de accesibilidad del W3C (nivel básico, azul). Creación de base de datos dinámica para los archivos actualmente en línea. Costo estimado: 880,- € Migración de los archivos (la migración se va a hacer manualmente, ya que la base de datos actual no es dinámica): 650,- €
$ 1,655
Producción de videos-modelo en lenguas de señas nacionales con resumen en señas internacionales (y protocolo de producción)
Videograbación de las traducciones en lenguas de señas locales y señas internacionales. Costo estimado: 450,- € (por concepto de honorarios para los/las traductoras/es. Edición final. 250,- €
$ 757
Programación en el site de secciones de interacción con los visitantes
Queremos dotar al site de espacios para la interacción con los visitantes. La base de estos espacios es el foro. Sin embargo, queremos ofrecer también espacios más amigables desde el punto de vista gráfico donde los visitantes puedan publicar por sí mismos anuncios no comerciales (se busca intérprete, quiero aprender lengua de señas, estudiante necesita tutor de tesis, etc.). Otro espacio en que pensamos es la sección "quién es quién", donde los profesionales y activistas pueden publicar su propio perfil, textos, etc. Los costos de esta sección refieren en su totalidad a los honorarios de la persona que haga la programación web.
$ 865
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Adquisición de luces de video y sus accesorios
3 Luces blancas (ca. 5000-5400 Kelvin) para estudio fotográfico (son ideales para filmar señantes en recuadro fijo). Precio unitario: 100,-€. Total 300,- € 3 Trípodes para lámparas. Precio unitario: 70,- €. Total 210,- €
$ 552
Total $ 2,963 $ 3,829

General information

With more than 1,000 specialized articles and other documents, www.cultura-sorda.eu (online since 2006) is currently the most visited website on Deafness in Spanish speaking countries. But its format, mostly based on texts, is not accesible for Deaf people, who usually have reading difficulties.

We want to do the site accessible to them, making three reasonable accommodations suggested by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, namely:
1) change to a web-accessible format (after the guidelines of the W3C)
2) translate core contents into national sign languages with abridged versions in international signs; and
3) publish more easy-to-read texts.

In this project we intend to carry on the first of these three settings (changing the web format) as well as to propose a model for producing sign translations on video (setting 2). Signed translations of more articles and publishing of more easy-to-read texts (setting 3) will correspond to a later project.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our project consists of two phases: web design and content production. The first one will reorganize the current site through an accessible design. This will include more iconical guides to navigation, a forum, a search engine and a space where visitors can post non-commercial ads. The second phase (content translation) will start by selecting some key articles and translate them into national sign languages. The translations will be accompanied by abstracts in international signs.

After completion of the project, the site will offer a series of sign translations as well as a modell to continue the translation of more contents, allowing Deaf signers a broader access to the information provided by the site. That is the way to ensure their right to information on our library.


Why this is important

This project addresses several thousands of Deaf people in Spain and Latin America, whose first language is a sign language and who have no plenty of access to written information as result of a deficient education. We will offer accessible information in sign language on issues like education for the Deaf, sign linguistics and sign interpretation as well as history and politics of the Deaf community.

Our contacts with countless Deaf and hearing people from many Spanisch speaking countries allow us to know that the contents of our website are not freely available for most Deaf people. Breaking down these barriers to guarantee their right to information is our motivation.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

In the first three months of the project we want to
1) change the website´s design (new layout, search engine, forum, more graphic information to navigate the site);
2) conduct a survey to determine which are the most important topics for our Deaf visitors (in order to prioritize the next translations);
3) produce and publish the first translations (according to the scheme of a video in a national sign language accompanied by a summary in international signs);
4) collect feedback on the reception of our first videos;
5) create guidelines for the production of future videos with translations of topics about Deafness.

In the medium term (after the initial 4 months) we want to
1) produce new translation videos with selected topics;
2) prepare a new campaign to raise financing in order to continue the production of accessible video-material.


Team and experience

Our team is formed by Deaf as well as by hearing experts, all of them sign language users, which for years have worked as teachers, researchers and/or activists in many related-to-Deafness fields.

We have also participated in several international projects in the EU (Grundvigt and Comenius) for the production of sign language video materials to disseminate accesible information for Deaf people. Our network of contacts in countries of Latin America and Spain also provides us with plenty of advice from external experts.

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Social commitment