Contributing € 10
PDF version of the book
We will send you a PDF version to your mail.
> 04 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Súa Pluma Editorial
We will send you a PDF version to your mail.
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book.
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and an earring Súa Pluma, made by us with natural feathers.
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and the copy of an ilustration
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book, plus the copy of an illustration of the book in A4, plus a tocado Súa Pluma (in the paragraph "description of the project" you will find a picture of this jewell) made by us with natural feathers
We will send you a printed and signed book and one of the original illustrations of the book in A4.
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and a original lithography in 50x70 cm which illustrates an unedited poem.
Help us publish our first project of illustrated poetry.
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
This quantity is what we need to print the edition of 100 copies of our book
€ 850 | |
This is the price for ordering a ISBN number
€ 80 | |
Goteo 4%
Bank 0,8%
Paypal 3,4%
€ 70 | |
This is the quantity we need on top in order to print a total of 300 copies of our book.
€ 850 | |
This is the estimated budget that we want to pay the person who helped us do the layout
€ 250 | |
Total | € 1.000 | € 2.100 |
Our goal is to self-edit and publish our first book which contains ilustrated poetry.
The book is already finished, but we need your help in order to make it reach curious hands and eyes that will be able to enjoy it.
The book contains about 50 pages, and it will be us who make the choices about every detail in its production.
The ilustrations have been made using markers, stroke by stroke, and afterwards scanned into a digital format.
There has been a major work behind the interpretation of the texts, because the native language of the artist who created the images is German, while the texts are all written in Spanish.
The book has been illusrated by Elena Zängerlein, based on the poetry of the author Miriam Robles. Through it we discovered the connection between our different ways of understanding and interpreting the world.
We aim to print at least 100 copies of the book in black and white, using ecological paper, and in the interior you will find some surprises.:)
We went to different printing companies and the cheapest option we could find was 1000 euros for that number of copies. If we are able to collect more money, we will be able to print 300 copies and pay the person who helped us with the layout.
We estimate that the book will be published in the end of April 2019.
Between the rewards that we chose to give you, apart of a copy of the book, we include earrings of natural feathers from our brand Súa Pluma, as well as handmade prints and original ilustracions created by Elena.
On the long term we want to want create a publishing company, through which we will be able to ilustrate and publish the poetry of people who trust us with their art.
All of this will happen through the seal of Súa Pluma ("your feather), the brand that the both of us belong to and where we create crafts made of feathers that are detach from the birds in a natural way, as they move.
For that reason we want to create the book publishing company "Súa Pluma", considering the relationship to the feathers that were used in the past as a tool to write.
Our motivation is to transmit our visual and sublte message, with the aspiration that it does not leave you indifferent and that it makes you feel identified with our feeling and thoughts.
It goes to all of you who appreciate and value fine arts and literature, regardless of your origin, gender, age or social status.
We have both been drawing and writing all of our lives, each of us passionate with our artistic work, but this will be the fisrt official publication of our effort.
It has been beautiful to embark in this project. From the moment in which we discovered each others art, we hace been working together and confronting the different difficulties which appear during the materialization of an idea, dealing with some disappointments, but always getting back our hope.
We believe in self-management and that the effort and love that we put in this project will be transmitted to all of you.
We have been working hand in hand, finding out what each of us was able to contribute.
Furthermore we took a trip to Granada, city in which Carlos and María, two great friends of ours, live.They both have an understanding of editing and the layout and helped us with those steps.
Till now everyhting has been self-financed and done for our personal and artistic satisfaction. Our friends collaborated because of the same passion and friendship that connects us, and we would like to thank them if we achieve the economical objectives with this crowdfounding.
Use our creativity in order to transmit a message born from our introspection as a tool of self-knowledge and personal transformation.
PDF version of the book
We will send you a PDF version to your mail.
> 04 Co-financiers
Signed book
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book.
> 31 Co-financiers
Signed book + earring Súa Pluma
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and an earring Súa Pluma, made by us with natural feathers.
> 12 Co-financiers
Signed book + Copy of an illustration
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and the copy of an ilustration
> 04 Co-financiers
Signed book + copy of an illustration + tocado Súa Pluma
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book, plus the copy of an illustration of the book in A4, plus a tocado Súa Pluma (in the paragraph "description of the project" you will find a picture of this jewell) made by us with natural feathers
> 04 Co-financiers
Signed book + original illustration
We will send you a printed and signed book and one of the original illustrations of the book in A4.
> 03 Co-financiers
Signed book
We will send you a printed and signed version of the book and a original lithography in 50x70 cm which illustrates an unedited poem.
> 00 Co-financiers